Saturday, June 30, 2012

Me Again

Santa Fe Sunset (It looks like God's Soul!)

I have had the pleasure of getting 10 people including myself to answer the question, "What is your soul's purpose?" When I began this mission I thought I would be the only person who was having trouble with this answer.  Instead I have found most everyone has had a very hard time answering the question.  It has stressed people out when I ask it.  People look at me like I am a bit crazy for posing the question.  I actually became a little uncomfortable asking the question as time went on.  My thought was truly to ask as many people as I could, and use their answers to guide me in my own life.  Instead I have found I am not alone.  We are all very much the same in terms of looking for answers.  Some of us just think about it more.  While others don't have a problem just going with the flow letting life unfold before their eyes.

One thing I found very early on is the connection we all have to just giving and receiving love.  If we have love in our hearts everything else works.  Granted some days easier than others but life works with love being the primary goal.

Love for our self.
Love for our family.
Love for our career.
Love for everything!

Career brings great satisfaction to one's soul and strong family connections bring completion.   So as I find the courage to ask more people for the answer to "One's soul purpose." I get closer to understanding my own.  I feel less lost as I realize we all are trying to get to know our soul. So I have taken bits from each person who has shared with me.  I am able to apply their knowledge to my journey.  My own spiritual teachers!

I think Oprah may need a reality check when it comes to discovering one's soul.  She really made it seem as though it was a no brainer question.  Truth is it is much harder to answer then I think I would have ever thought.  I now know I am not alone in my quest...

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